基于Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide ,整理常用风格规范,方便日后查找。
一 注释 1.1 多行注释 多行注释用/** ... */
function make (tag ) { return element; }
1.2 单行注释 单行注释使用//
const active = true ; const active = true ;function getType ( ) { console .log ('fetching type...' ); const type = this .type || 'no type' ; return type; } function getType ( ) { console .log ('fetching type...' ); const type = this .type || 'no type' ; return type; } function getType ( ) { const type = this .type || 'no type' ; return type; }
1.3 注释内容 注释内容前面加多一空格
const active = true ;const active = true ;function make (tag ) { return element; } function make (tag ) { return element; }
1.4 备注前缀 如果备注的目的是提示“有问题待修复”,或者有“有工作待完成”最好在备注前加前缀FIXME: -- need to figure this out
或者TODO: -- need to implement
使用// FIXME:
class Calculator extends Abacus { constructor ( ) { super (); total = 0 ; } }
使用// TODO:
class Calculator extends Abacus { constructor ( ) { super (); this .total = 0 ; } }
二 空白(Whitespace) 2.1 缩进 用空格进行缩进,缩进宽度为两个空格(如果喜欢使用tab,使用soft tabs
,并设置soft tabs
function foo ( ) {∙∙∙∙let name; } function bar ( ) {∙let name; } function baz ( ) {∙∙let name; }
Hard tabs 就是通常意义上的制表符(tab character ), 而soft tabs 实际上就是空格,通常为2个或者4个空格宽度,取决于编辑器的设置。 所以,如果在编辑器中设置了使用soft tabs ,那么当在键盘上按下Tab
2.2 大括号{}
function test ( ){ console .log ('test' ); } function test ( ) { console .log ('test' ); } dog.set ('attr' ,{ age : '1 year' , breed : 'Bernese Mountain Dog' , }); dog.set ('attr' , { age : '1 year' , breed : 'Bernese Mountain Dog' , });
const foo = {clark : 'kent' };const foo = { clark : 'kent' };
parenthesis or round brackets 圆括号;[]
square brackets 方括号;{}
curly brackets or braces 大括号;<>
Angle brackets 尖括号
2.3 方括号[]
const foo = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ];console .log (foo[ 0 ]);const foo = [1 , 2 , 3 ];console .log (foo[0 ]);
2.4 小括号()
2.4.1 需要空格的情况 流程控制语句(if, while等)的小括号()
if (isJedi) { fight (); } if (isJedi) { fight (); }
2.4.2 不需要空格的情况
function fight () { console .log ('Swooosh!' ); } function fight ( ) { console .log ('Swooosh!' ); }
var test = function ( ) { } var test = function ( ) { }
function bar ( foo ) { return foo; } function bar (foo ) { return foo; } if ( foo ) { console .log (foo); } if (foo) { console .log (foo); }
2.5 运算符 2.5.1 前后各加一空格 除了2.5.2中的情况,其他都是前后都加空格
const x=y+5 ;const x = y + 5 ;const maybeNull = value1 > value2 ? 'baz' : null ;
2.5.2 只在后面加空格
const hero = { firstName :'Ada' , lastName :'Lovelace' , }; const hero = { firstName : 'Ada' , lastName : 'Lovelace' , };
const foo = [1 ,2 ,3 ];const foo = [1 , 2 , 3 ];function foo (name,age ) { } function foo (name , age ) { } const foo = [1 , 2 , 3 ];function foo (name, age ) { }
2.6 文档尾部加一空白行 import { es6 } from './AirbnbStyleGuide' ; export default es6;
import { es6 } from './AirbnbStyleGuide' ; export default es6;↵↵
import { es6 } from './AirbnbStyleGuide' ; export default es6;↵
2.7 方法链 大于两个方法的方法链,每个方法另起一行,以点.
$('#items' ).find ('.selected' ).highlight ().end ().find ('.open' ).updateCount (); $('#items' ). find ('.selected' ). highlight (). end (). find ('.open' ). updateCount (); $('#items' ) .find ('.selected' ) .highlight () .end () .find ('.open' ) .updateCount (); const leds = stage.selectAll ('.led' ).data (data).enter ().append ('svg:svg' ).classed ('led' , true ) .attr ('width' , (radius + margin) * 2 ).append ('svg:g' ) .attr ('transform' , `translate(${radius + margin} ,${radius + margin} )` ) .call (tron.led ); const leds = stage.selectAll ('.led' ) .data (data) .enter ().append ('svg:svg' ) .classed ('led' , true ) .attr ('width' , (radius + margin) * 2 ) .append ('svg:g' ) .attr ('transform' , `translate(${radius + margin} ,${radius + margin} )` ) .call (tron.led ); const leds = stage.selectAll ('.led' ).data (data);
2.8 代码块 2.8.1 代码块之后 代码块之后,下一语句之前,加一空白行之后,下一语句之前,加一空白行
if (foo) { return bar; } return baz;if (foo) { return bar; } return baz;const obj = { foo ( ) { }, bar ( ) { }, }; return obj;const obj = { foo ( ) { }, bar ( ) { }, }; return obj;const arr = [ function foo ( ) { }, function bar ( ) { }, ]; return arr;const arr = [ function foo ( ) { }, function bar ( ) { }, ]; return arr;
2.8.2 代码块之间 代码块之间不要添加空白行(除非有注释或其他需要添加空白行的情况)
function bar ( ) { console .log (foo); } if (baz) { console .log (qux); } else { console .log (foo); } function bar ( ) { console .log (foo); } if (baz) { console .log (qux); } else { console .log (foo); } if (baz) { console .log (qux); console .log (qux); } else { console .log (foo); }
2.9 单行长度限制 单行长度不超过100个字符(包括空格)。注意:长字符串例外,不要打断字符串
const foo = jsonData && jsonData.foo && jsonData.foo .bar && jsonData.foo .bar .baz && jsonData.foo .bar .baz .quux && jsonData.foo .bar .baz .quux .xyzzy ;$.ajax ({ method : 'POST' , url : 'https://airbnb.com/' , data : { name : 'John' } }).done (() => console .log ('Congratulations!' )).fail (() => console .log ('You have failed this city.' )); const foo = jsonData && jsonData.foo && jsonData.foo .bar && jsonData.foo .bar .baz && jsonData.foo .bar .baz .quux && jsonData.foo .bar .baz .quux .xyzzy ; $.ajax ({ method : 'POST' , url : 'https://airbnb.com/' , data : { name : 'John' }, }) .done (() => console .log ('Congratulations!' )) .fail (() => console .log ('You have failed this city.' ));
三 命名 3.1 避免使用单个字母 避免使用单个字母,含义越明确越好
function q ( ) { } function query ( ) { }
3.2 对象,函数及其他实例 命名对象、函数及其他实例使用小驼峰命名法(首个单词首字母小写)
const OBJEcttsssss = {};const this_is_my_object = {};function c ( ) {}const thisIsMyObject = {};function thisIsMyFunction ( ) {}
3.3 构造函数,类 构造函数,类使用大驼峰命名法(首个单词首字母大写)
function user (options ) { this .name = options.name ; } const bad = new user ({ name : 'nope' , }); class User { constructor (options ) { this .name = options.name ; } } const good = new User ({ name : 'yup' , });
3.4 首尾不要使用下划线 this .__firstName__ = 'Panda' ;this .firstName_ = 'Panda' ;this ._firstName = 'Panda' ;this .firstName = 'Panda' ;
Why? JavaScript does not have the concept of privacy in terms of properties or methods. Although a leading underscore is a common convention to mean “private”, in fact, these properties are fully public, and as such, are part of your public API contract. This convention might lead developers to wrongly think that a change won’t count as breaking, or that tests aren’t needed. tl;dr: if you want something to be “private”, it must not be observably present.
3.5 不使用驼峰命名法的情况 缩写词保留通用写法,不使用驼峰命名法,这样更容易阅读。
import SmsContainer from './containers/SmsContainer' ;const HttpRequests = [ ]; import SMSContainer from './containers/SMSContainer' ;const HTTPRequests = [ ];
其他 优先使用单引号 if (hasName === "test" ) { return false ; } if (hasName === 'test' ) { return false ; }
参考资料 【1】Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide 【2】What are hard and soft tabs? 【2】标点符号的英语名称